Peer pressure is everywhere. How to dress, how to act, who to hang out with, who NOT to hang out with(because they aren't cool enough), what to eat, what to drink, how to talk...and when and who to have sex with.
These days sex is part of a teenagers life. It's just something that they do. No connections. No relationship. No strings attached. I mean listen to the the name of the hit movie"Friends with Benefits" it's all about this topic & it's glamorized!
Now I"m not saying ALL teenagers are doing this. There are a few selected few who are not having sex. But a huge number are. I know I was in high school. The only difference was back then you were a slut for "doing it". Back then you didn't go around telling people that you were having sex...Now it's part of growing up. It's expected now. But why?
Apparently, you aren't NORMAL if your NOT having sex at a young age.
Even though statistics warn teens of STD's & pregnancy they are still making these choices.
What they aren't warning them about is one of the biggest concerns...the emotional loss. They don't teach this in SEX ED class. Instead they just demonstrate how to put on a condom.
What they are not telling you is that DEPRESSION IS AN STD.
In her book "Strong Fathers Strong Daughters" Meg Meeker writes, " Researchers have known for a long time that teenage sexual activity and depression are linked, but the question was which came first-the sex or the depression. Depressed kids are more likely to engage in high-risk behaviors, and sex is a high-risk behavior....when a girl has sex, she loses her virginity, and very often loses her self-respect with it. Her boyfriend might tell the whole school, or make her do something she doesn't want to do or that leaves her feeling traumatized, or he might reject her in favor of another girl, or belittle her as no good at sex....they think something is wrong with them. So they try sex with different partners again and again. But the intimacy and romance they naturally expect with sex is never there. And all they do is become jaded and depressed. They lose self-confidence and self-esteem. And many feel they have lost a part of themselves that can never be retrieved."
Are you in this type of relationship right now?
Have you lost self-confidence and feel alone and un-loved?
I have been there. I sought out this kind of love with all the wrong boys. I thought that by doing those things I would feel loved and appreciated forever.
Just the opposite happened....I lost respect from my boyfriend. He no longer appreciated me.
Maybe for a moment consider being the ABnormal one. Go against the crowd. Dare to be different. Don't do what everyone else is doing. Respect yourSELF.
Trust me yourSELF will be much happier.
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