Are you an eye magnet? Are you dressing to get the attention of any boy that will look your way?
Just so you know, I'm not just talking to young girls...I'm talking to you mom's out there too!
Admit it. We like attention in this area right? At ANY age it feels good to get noticed.
What is it that we are hoping for by doing this?
Is it love?
Is it eternal bliss?
Is it just for a moments pleasure? Because as a mom sometimes I don't always feel "hot" anymore
Well, one reason(which is a HUGE reason) is because we are told by the media and all around us what we should look like. The images we see on magazines and television tell us that we HAVE to look this way to be beautiful or to get popularity.
So, that's one reason we do it. Because we want to be "in" and not feel left out because we are differnet. Right?
The second reason is because we, as girls(young and old) feel that if a boy looks at us then he must want us forever...he wants to be our boyfriend, he took a second look so he desires to be with me and ONLY me.
He's thinking of you in a way that might surprise you.
He isn't looking at your cute outfit(which the word "cute" these days is usually revealing in some way, not just fashionable)
Girls, sorry to say, but he's checking out your body, and only your body. And it's not just the cute boys in school, it's the older men as well. Much older men. I"m talking gray hair older...
Now, some of you are getting grossed out, while some of you are like" yeah, I want them to think I'm sexy"
So, first let me chat to those who are completely grossed out...don't be.
God created men differently than us. That is just how they think. But then again, what they DO with thoghts is important too...but we'll chat about that later.
It'd kind of like if a delicious chocolate candy bar were sitting on your table and you were told to not eat it... it would be calling your name all would look at it constantly just wishing you could enjoy it. That's what us "eye magnets" or "eye candy" (that's why they call it that) are like to these boys. They can't help but look because we are making the outside look soooo good. (another topic on INward beauty vs. Outward beauty at a later chat)
Now, to you who are saying" yeah, I want them to think I'm sexy"...girls, this is NOT the type of relationship that you want. If that is the only reason a boy gives you attention then your heart will be stomped on for sure. These types of relationships don't last. Your not going to get the love that you desire from it. You'll just simply be used. It might seem good for a moment, but most of the time you'll be thrown away like the eaten chocolate candy wrapper.
Sounds harsh, I know. But true.
Listen to these words written by Shaunti Feldhahn who wrote the book "For Women Only"...
"Women who are totally clueless about this problem(dressing in these ways)can also thoughtlessly contribute to it. Afterall the images in a man's head had to come from somewhere-and it's not just from pictures. The eye magnets on the street are choosing to dress the way they do. Unfortunately, because many women aren't visual, we may not understand what we are doing to the men around us-a fact that men find hard to believe, by the way. One father asked me why his cautious collegeaged daughter dressed in tight little tops and skirts around a particular guy she found attractive. "Surely," this father said, " surely she knows what she'd doing'"
"Yes, "I agreed. " She knows she looks good,but she doesn't know what is really going on in that guy's head. What she's smugly thinking is that guy thinks I"m cute."
"Cute has nothing to do with it!" the shocked father replied. " He's picturing her naked!"
And THAT is what we often don't get. Many women are just longing for male love and attention, not realizing that the resulting attention is the WRONG kind and has nothing to do with love."
Wow. This is something I did not know growing up.
Now let me say this quickly cause i know this post is long...God doesn't make mistakes. He created men to be visual. And everything that He created was good. Men are going to struggle for the rest of their lives with this temptation...and that is just what it is...a temptation. But what he chooses to do with that temptation is a different story. He can choose to act upon it by continuing to look or lust on that girl or image...or he can choose to look away or flee from the situation.
So, knowing all of this leads me to this question...what are YOU going to do about this?
Are you going to continue to post pictures of yourself in a bikini for all to enjoy your fab sexy body?
Are you going to show up at school with your tight, short skirt to get "Joe" to say hi, or do a double take?
Or are you going to choose to support and encourage those men in your life by dressing modestly? (and yes, modest can be fashionable too) :)
Let these guys get to know your heart. Who you are INside.
Take care of your OUTward appearance by simply taking good care of yourself(exercise, healthy food choices, spiritual well being) but make your focus on WHO you a the woman God created.
What are your thoughts?
You go girl! I am totally with ya. Having this convesations with my 10 yr old now and it will continue as needed! Thanks for putting it out there. It needs to be said, heard, and applied. Blessings to you and your family!
I know it is important to work on my inside, and i do. I really want to be a good, godly woman. But I'm not looking for love, and maybe that's wierd. I really don't want a committed relationship. So i don't have a problem with shallow, friends-with-benefits type relationships. I know this isn't good...but I honestly just can't convince myself that love is all that fun. Boys have told me they love me before, and they sure acted like they did. I just lost interest though. I like the chase. How can I stay pure and "wait for love" if i really don't want it?
Thanks for your raw response.
When you play with the ideas of having "Friends with Benefits" your taking away the idea of this beautiful thing God created. God didn't create sex for just anyone...he created it to be a tool to bring a husband and wife closer on a more intimate level. When you get involved with sex before it's time(marriage) you are kind of robbing yourself(and someone else) of this amazing gift. It might seem great and fun at first to be in the "heat" of it but it will only be a temporary fix.
It sounds like you are not interested in love right now...and that's okay. Focus on guys as friends(not with benefits-just friends). Get to know them, let them get to know you-for who you are as a women-not for what you can offer them.
Hope that helps...:)
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