It's videos like this that remind us that the media is trying to make us believe that we have to be perfect to be beautiful.
I'm so thankful that these videos surfaced so that us girls can face the truth that this type of perfection is un-attainable! The magic of technology has made this woman thinner, tanner, stronger, longer and they even changed her shoe size!
Yet we as women continue to look at these images(in magazines and on the telly) and LONG for what they've got. Every. Time.
I am constantly comparing myself to these images thinking that I am not good enough because I don't look like___________.
But ya know what? That's garbage! Stinky, foul. yucky, ridiculous garbage!
I have to remind myself DAILY that I AM FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made and I AM exactly the way God created me for a reason. I don't NEED to compare myself to anyone. I am learning to love myself for who I am. And you know what? It's a process everyday. Because those lies creep in everyday. It's a constant women's battle.
I want to encourage all the women out there young or old to start looking at yourself as FEARFULLY and WONDERFULLY made. Tell yourself that daily. Whisper that to yourself in the morning when you first get a glimpse of that slept in matted down crazy unruly hair of yours, write that on a post it note to stumble across when you open up a kitchen door, text it to yourself in the middle of the day then shout it out WHEREVER you are (cuz who really cares who's looking)!
Then believe it.
Believe that truth.
Because it's God's truth whispering to your soul. Desperatly wanting you and I to know it. To REALLY know it.
Then whisper it to someone else. Write it on a post it for someone to find. Text it to someone in the middle of the day. Shout it to a stranger as you pass by on your moped or whatever vehicle you travel this life on(but be careful not to scare them). Let's rally as women and fight off this PERFECTION DECEPTION and not allow the lies to enter anymore.
Suit up for battle friends. Spread these truths...
Psalm 139:13-16
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