Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Purity is Important After All...

Have you ever seen this video? It's a little cheesy but it says so much. Would you drink from a bottle of used water that someone else drank from? Would you share it with a stranger? How about multiple strangers? I think I would prefer to choose the unopened untouched bottle that still has the safety cap on it. Why you ask? I dunno, maybe it's just gross. Strangers drank from it, there are a gazillion germs that could be floating in name it. I'm going for the clean, unused water.

So, does purity really mater? Good question. Yes, of course it does! Even in this case. It's just plain better to be unopened, untouched, ungermified(yes, I know that is not really a word) you get what I mean?

So what happens now? What if it was already opened, what if it was already used, what if it is no longer pure? Are you ever going to have a chance at pure water again? Tell me what you think?