Thursday, January 21, 2010

Sometimes I wish I could go back in time. For many reasons, but first of all it would be fun to see & do certain things over again, for the joy of it. On the other hand, it would be nice to DO things over again. Make better choices. Not go down the wrong path. Not say that cold hearted statement to a friend. Not give someone the evil eye because I didn't get my way. Not date that guy who was really wrong for me.

Ever feel this way? Ever wish you could take something back? I feel this way often. Too often I make bad choices, I say the wrong thing, act the wrong way...the list goes on & on.

But we can't take them back. We haven't invented time travel yet so it just can't be done. Bummer, I know.

But what we can do is live. Live in the moment & really THINK.

Hmmm, that's a funny word....THINK.

I didn't do that very much when I was younger. I just acted. I just quickly made decisions based on how I was feeling at the time. I needed to lash out at someone because they made me mad...I acted upon it. If I needed some love & attention...I acted upon it by seeking out boys to fill my void.


Is this what's best for others right now?
Am I going to regret this decision in the morning?
Does drinking this REALLY bring me happiness?
Do I really need a boyfriend to cover up my sense of insecurities?
If I said this would I hurt my friend's feelings?
Am I thinking about the other person involved & their best interest?

If I could go back in time...the first thing I would say is "I'm sorry...I am sooo sorry."

If you took the time to think, maybe just maybe you'll have less "sorry's" to make.

Check this out..."Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourself...each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others." Phillipians 2:3-4

Was I thinking of others? Heck no! I was consumed with myself & what I could get out of it.
This is so sad to me.
As I continue the rest of my life here on this earth (however long it is) I want this to be my motto & my prayer..."to consider others better than myself".

What are you doing today that is self seeking? Remember time travel has not been invented yet, so be sure to THINK before you act. THINK about your motives & THINK about others well being...


Learner4Life said...

Oh well put! Your story hits home for me more than you looking in a mirror when I was in high school! Maybe I have a story to tell in that area? I feel like I'm not allowed to say "regret" in my Christian walk, b/c of course we learn from our mistakes...but there ARE many things I regret. I would LOVE to use those mistakes to help others, like you're doing! If only I had "thought" more when I was younger... :)