Friday, January 22, 2010

oops I did it again...

"Oops I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game...ohh baby baby..."

I really don't know the rest of the words but remember that song? Britney Spears so beautifully writes about how she messed with her "baby's" heart.

Ahhhh so sad.

I'm joking really. This song makes me laugh each time I hear it. Thankfully I don't hear it often but it comes to my head every time I say "oops".
And let me tell you, I said "Oops" too many times in my life. Now I'm mostly talking about the whole boy issue.

You know what I mean?

Yes, I am talking about sex but I'm also talking about some other stuff that I think so many just brush off.

What is it about girls these days that think that the "other stuff" is okay too.

Okay I admit it, I thought so too. I thought that the "other stuff" was just the "other stuff"...

...not sex.

But now that I see my broken heart & how I am constantly being haunted of my past I realize that the other stuff DOES matter. It does. It REALLY does. Don't let anyone fool you.

I know some of you are struggling with the intimacy issue. Come on admit it! I don't care how "Christian" you are...if your struggling with it-just ADMIT it. You see, I know. I hid it from the most important people in my life. I traveled this road alone because I didn't want any one to know what I was doing outside of church & youth group. But it hurt. It hurt because I knew that what I was doing was wrong and not the plan set out for me...

Do I have your attention? Are you thinking "she's talking about me-I'm going through this right now?"

I hope I do have your attention. We need to talk about this...we really do.

I am going to share more later so please come back(and please comment)

...your heart is ready to stop hurting...


megmontecalvo said...

Ang- this is real stuff.. and makes me think. I don't like that but I know that is good..